9/6 Gothic Discussion

Coming together for the first Rose event of the year to discuss our common grievances was an incredible bonding experience. We were able to vocalize how we felt and feel listened to. In addition, we were able to foster a discussion that granted insight to all, especially Rose residents fortunate enough to avoid Gothics. Nonetheless, I feel more at home in my Gothic now.

One thought on “9/6 Gothic Discussion

  1. I definitely agree that coming together and just being about to vent about what was bothering us contributed to a sense of community. Sometimes just being able to discuss an issue that you are passionate about or something that is weighing on your mind—even if it as simple as frustration towards the Gothics’ bathrooms—makes you feel connected and cared about. Additionally, knowing that other people are just as weighed down by or annoyed about something as you are does seem to lessen the burden. The opportunity to come together and have a conversation about things really contributes to Rose’s ability to be a place in which people’s spirits are lifted.