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How Does Facebook Determine Your Top Friends? Over the last few years, the developers at Facebook have been adjusting and tweaking the algorithm they use to pair individuals and groups of people to determine their “closeness” as friends. Often times, users wonder how exactly Facebook “knows” who to put in their top friends list. Whether it be a close friend in […]

Facebook’s News Feed algorithm influence on making new connections

Facebook’s News Feed algorithm contributes to how we, Facebook users, get most of our daily information and interact with people throughout the day. Therefore, the way the algorithm is built greatly affects the kind of stories that we view and how often we interact with friends and celebrities. It’s not clear how Facebook’s News Feed […]

The Greek Debt Crisis; It’s All Just a Game

  The attached article speaks of Yanis Varoufakis, the former Greek Minister of Finance, and how his background in game theory influenced negotiations with the European Union related to Greek debt. Although his tenure was short (he resigned in July 2015 after just 6 months), many of Varoufakis decisions were well calculated using game theory, […]

North Korea and America in a Nash Equilibrium?

Source:–trump-is.html With North Korea’s announcement of a successful hydrogen bomb test, a new turn of North Korea tension has been evoked. At the same time, gold price keeps going up. While lots of people comment on the close relationship between two incidents, Goldman Sachs, an American multinational finance company, claims that they are not related. […]

How Game Theorists saved Human Race in Cold War In history classes, we all have heard of the word, “cold war”, and learned about the intense situation between United States and Soviet Union once experienced with the threat of nuclear weapons. Both of the countries were fully equipped with the technology to launch a nuclear war, with the power that could nearly wipe […]

To nuke or not to nuke? All everyone is aware, “NUCLEAR WAR WITH NORTH KOREA?” has been dominating the headlines for the past couple of weeks. Given the unpredictability of both leaders in charge of both countries, people on both sides of the conflict are unsure of what to think of the threats and how seriously to take the headlines. […]

Break Up or Make Up? “Will he come apologize? Or should I wait it out again?” Relationships are hard. And when it doesn’t work out, breaking up is heartbreaking. Hurt feelings run rampant, old scars are ripped open, and resentment and regret fester. Why is it that the person who we once loved the most is now the one […]

Fireflies   Cornell posted to their Facebook page a video depicting professor Steven Strogatz describing surprisingly intelligent behavior of fireflies in the wild. As described further in the article, fireflies found in nature can be observed forming large groups which flash their light-emitting abdomens in perfect synchrony with each other. This observation is quite unexpected […]

Artificial Intelligence: Application of the Prisoner’s Dilemma

Link to source: Artificial intelligence (AI) is a topic that is widely discussed among technology elites as well as in everyday life. The discovery of artificial intelligence has led to further creations and innovations of applications of AI to perform tasks once only completed manually. Google’s subsidiary, DeepMind, conducted an experiment by having AI go […]

Nash Equilibrium, Traffic Laws, and Cyclists

The concept of Nash equilibrium can be used to model a variety of everyday situations. Torkel Bjørnskau uses Nash equilibria in a paper titled The Zebra Crossing Game – Using game theory to explain a discrepancy between road user behaviour and traffic rules (2015) to express why the behavior of cyclists and drivers persistently differs from […]

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September 2017
