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Insta-Spam? : An Analysis of One of Instagram’s Anti-Spam Strategies

Article:   As one of the largest and fastest growing social networks, Instagram has drawn a massive commercial following over the past few years. While Instagram provides an ad-sponsorship program that commercial accounts/companies can pay for, many other accounts have chosen a different path using non-Instagram affiliated companies. These companies, including Instagress, PeerBoost, InstaPlus, […]

Game Theory in Game of Thrones   (Note:  some spoilers for season 7 of Game of Thrones) This article discusses how some of the political relationships and decisions in Game of Thrones can be explained by Game Theory. During the meeting between Daenerys and Cersei in King’s Landing discussing the white walkers, both characters’ potential decisions can be described as […]

North Korea, Nuclear War, and Game Theory In a world where nuclear escalation between the US and North Korea is accelerating at unprecedented levels, it’s important to take a step back and analyze it from a game theory perspective – or is it? After examining the situation, many game theorists believe that Kim Jong-Un, in order to preserve his power and […]

Hurricanes, Evacuation And Game Theory

  In light of the destruction Irma has brought to Florida, analyzing concepts like evacuation routes in forms of both route congestion on streets and on planes is important, as well as consumables such as gas, water, and food, all of which often have extended wait lines.  The first article analyzes game theory and disaster […]

Narcos: The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend?

**WARNING: SPOILER ALERT** Recently, “Narcos” made its way back into mainstream media discussion with the release of Season 3. “Narcos” is centered around the US (specifically, the DEA) and its involvement in the crackdown of narcotic trafficking in the latter stages of the 20th century. While Seasons 1 & 2 focussed on the struggle to […]

Mutually Assured Destruction: Game Theory in the Cold War The article excerpt talks about how Game Theory played an important role in the great nuclear passive-aggression that was the Cold War. The United States was the first country to develop nuclear weaponry. Nuclear weapons were originally treated the same as more traditional components of the U.S. arsenal, to be used when necessary as […]

Game Theory and North Korea

Game theory is used to predict outcomes with mathematical models. As a field it became popularized around the 1940s as a way to predict outcomes in wars and large-scale scenarios, and as seen in this article, game theory is still being used to this day to analyze outcomes in the real world. This article, titled “What […]

Exploring Tech Company’s characteristic using patent network

Different Tech companies have different company culture, innovation ability, employee’s sense of cooperation, these can be told from company’s propaganda, also, might be better learned from companies’ data, because data never lie. The officer in U.S. Patent and Trademark office collect some patent data for some large Tech companies, draw them in the network form, […]

Poker as a Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium for AI   While Artificial Intelligence has become increasingly dominant at games such as Chess and Go, games such as poker have proved difficult. This is partly a result of poker being a game played with limited information – in Chess, players have access to all information relevant to the game, while in most poker games […]

Game Theory, Braess’ Paradox, and the Spread of Epidemic Disease

The authors of the linked article have created a game-theoretic model of human behavior in the face of epidemic, with the goal of informing policy makers on how to most effectively quell the spread of epidemic diseases like H1N1 and SARS. It is commonly known that widespread vaccination is by far the most effective means […]

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September 2017
