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My friends are friends!   Social networks are everywhere. One of the easiest and most well-known is the network that encompasses celebrities. You can find information about famous people anywhere¾ in the news, in magazines, on tv, on the internet, people are always talking about who’s who and who is friends with who. This particular article discusses Zayn […]

Lower starting price leads to higher ending price? Apparently so. When discussing auction strategy in class, Professor Easley concluded with auction seller strategy, explaining that, all in all, neither first price nor second price auctions result in any price advantage for sellers. This led me to think about other tricks that experienced eBay sellers employ to garner higher selling prices for their products. The […]

OPEC and Game Theory

In the last few years, OPEC(Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) has been seriously challenged for its near-monopoly of the global oil supply. It is an organization of diverse oil exporting countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Nigeria, and Venezuela, that have traditionally banded together to help maintain favorable oil prices by setting production quotas […]

The Hurricane Network of the Southeast

With the striking impact of three intense hurricanes clashing with the southern and southeastern-most parts of North America, national media focus has, unsurprisingly, shifted parts of its resources and efforts into reporting on hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Jose. With Harvey reaching peak intensity before making landfall in Texas, and Hurricanes Irma and Jose devastating parts […]

Psychological Strategies – Auctions

It is clear that the dominant strategy for second price auctions is to bid truthfully (directly bidding whatever one’s value might be), rather than bidding over or under the value. The proof is pretty simple — if one decides to lowball it and bid less than how much that person values the item, other players […]

A Social Network Illusion: The Majority Paradox

This article highlights an illusion commonly found within Social-Networks called the “majority illusion”. More often than not, something is considered common when it is actually rare due to this illusion created by social networks. The illusion provides insight on understanding the chances of material spreading through a social network rapidly or not registering at all. […]

Quorom is Disrupting Lobbying with Networks

Alex Wirth and Jonathon Marks started Quorom in 2014, when they were still undergraduates. Two years later, they are being hailed as the Moneyball of political lobbying (Washingtonian).  Their platform data mines all the information they can get about members of Congress, including voting decisions, cosponsorship of legislation, official statements, and social media posts. It […]

Airlines, Overbooking and Game Theory

When it comes to selling tickets for flights, airlines want to make sure that they’re maximizing their potential by filling every seat. To do this, they often use the approach of selling more tickets than there are available seats, assuming that some passengers will not show up. However, there are still times when more passengers […]

A Social Reflex: Police and Blacks, Seeing Threat, Close Ranks   This article gives information about the research that sociologists are conducting in terms of relationships and connections within and between different groups. Many people were offended and triggered by the killing of Philando Castile in Minnesota even though they did not witness or physically experience the incident. Sociologists tried to analyze this phenomenon […]

Social Networks created by the Silk Road The Silk Road is well known for the extensive trade networks it created within Europe and Asia, as it allowed goods, religious ideas, and new technologies to flow freely between the distinct regions.  In fact, many of today’s innovations and cultural practices would not exist without the connections created by the Silk Road.   […]

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September 2017
