Is CPC always increasing?
CPC or cost per click is the amount of money that advertisers pay every time someone clicks on their ad. CPC can rapidly increase due to competition. The problem is growing more and more due to companies wanting to advertise online. Because of this more advertisers will want to advertise for a specific keyword. AdWords […]
PageRank is dead, Welcome TrustFlow In 2013 google announced that they would no longer be updating the toolbar PageRank. This has lead to a lack of search engine optimization and scoring over the past few years but earlier this year a new system has emerged, TrustFlow. TrustFlow differs from PageRank in that TrustFlow favors quality over quantity in its rankings. […]
Facebook to Favor Friends and Family in Newsfeed, leading to less publicity for publishers content.
This article outlines how facebook plans on editing its newsfeed algorithm to favor news created by users’ friends and family more, rather than published content, such as news. This announcement was met with serious discontent from publishers, as a decrease in newsfeed appearances is known to lead to a decrease in “clicks” on Facebook. When […]
Google Updates Their Penguin Algorithm Google recently published an update to their Penguin algorithm. Penguin was originally published in 2012 and its primary purpose was to overhaul the way that Google evaluates the content quality of websites. The idea is to punish sites with poor or spam content and give more weight to sites that provided quality content to […]
How Google Search Algorithms Can Negatively Affect Start Ups:
Google isn’t just the world’s #1 search engine (sorry Bing) but it also holds the coveted title of number one website on the internet (as of September 2016). This incredible rank puts it into a position of considerable power in the world, in particular when discussing the flow of information. Google’s search algorithm, quite frankly, […]
Road Trip with Page Rank
The Page Rank sorting algorithm gained incredible popularity through Google as THE invaluable search algorithm for webpages. Over numerous years, it continued to be both effective and efficient with minor modifications along the way. While Page Rank was dubbed almost synonymous with Google upon inception, its uses span as a data sorting algorithm exist far beyond the […]
Could anything ever surpass links as a ranking signal?
It is nearly impossible to see any efficient search engine optimization result without the foundation of inbound link profile. The two main deciding factors for site rankings consist of relevance an authority, and authority is very dependent on the quality and quantity of links pointing to a given page or domain. Throughout the years, Google […]
Game Theory and the American Revolution?
Anyone who has gone through the American education system has been exposed to some knowledge on the American Revolutionary War. Things that most people remember are the unfair taxes that burdened the American people, and the fight for freedom against the British. A famous and memorable quote might be “no taxation without representation”. However, […]
Is Hosting the Olympics a Winner’s Curse?
Link to study: This article, posted on the London business school website, examines whether hosting the Olympics qualifies as a “winner’s curse”. A winner’s curse is a phenomenon that occurs when a winning bid, in a common value auction with incomplete information, exceeds the true value of the auctioned asset. This means that the […]
“Controversy” over Facebook’s Video Advertising Metrics
In late September of 2016, Facebook became embroiled in a controversy over one of their metrics for describing the performances of video advertisements. The beginning of the controversy occurred when the social media behemoth acknowledged that the description for one of their video display metrics had generated confusion, and clarified its precise definition. The metric […]
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