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Game Theory for Gymnastic Olympics

Website: The article describes how the point calculation system of gymnastics has evolved from receiving scores out of 10 points to a more complex system in which there is essentially no limit to the highest a gymnast can receive. The new score is based off of the level of difficulty of the gymnastic routines and […]

Game Theory: Why Pharmacies End up in Clusters

The article below discusses why in Midland, Texas CVS is adding a new store so close to Walgreens. The article proposes a number of reasons why it is advantageous for CVS to be so close to this Walgreens even though it may intuitively make more sense for CVS to avoid being located to one of […]

Game Theory in Presidential Elections   Game Theory plays an important role in how candidates campaign in the presidential election. It is the reason why candidates focus more on swing states with higher electoral votes than states that trend in consistent directions. Andreas Fellner explains that if a candidate won Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District […]

Infrastructure construction and both Auctions and Game theory.

When we began discussing bidding strategies in class, I immediately thought of the link to my Regulation and Infrastructure Policy class. While bidding in Networks implies individualistic behavioral decisions, building large infrastructure projects requires Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) to create contracts amongst entities to fund that infrastructure. The paper I have linked to below and […]

Fighting ISIS and Each Other (mainly each other)

How ISIS is able to survive against a dozen better equipped enemies who are attacking from multiple fronts? Answer is, rather unexpectedly: unbalanced graphs. The terrorist organization which rose to prominence in 2014 by capturing key cities like Mosul in Western Iraq, now additionally operates in Syria and Libya whereas its offshoots claim extending the self-declared caliphate to Afghanistan, Nigeria and even […]

Brother vs. Sister Brother Vs Sister. Siblings often have rivalry and in their daily lives are involved in Game theory, regardless of the parents’ involvement. Siblings enforce their own game rules, even without an ‘enforcer’ of a parent. They can have conflict and resolve on their own for the most part. The interesting part about sibling […]

Game Theory in a Post-Brexit World

Last June, the United Kingdom shocked the world by voting to leave the EU. This event, called “Brexit”, has introduced a lot of uncertainty in not only the European continent but also the whole world. The vote was close, but ultimately the leave party one 52- 48. The vote to leave the EU has been […]

Baseball – A Game of Games

It is often said that baseball is a game of inches, but it is also certainly true that baseball is a game of games. Pitchers, batters, fielders, managers, and front-office team officials have to constantly make decisions  – what pitch to throw, whether to swing or not, should a relief pitcher be brought into the game to […]

The Dark Knight and Game Theory

Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight contains numerous examples of game theory, but I’ll be focusing on the opening robbery scene. Issues of trust, incentive, and fair share are brought up immediately. Within the first few lines the audience can sense the tension within the characters. There are six robbers and each want more of the share. They all think they […]

Unfortunate news: Traffic is here to stay

Everyone has had the unfortunate experience of sitting in traffic for hours. Like that time when you’re pretty sure your car has moved only 10 feet in an hour? You probably have found yourself thinking “Gee, wouldn’t it be great if they could make these highways wider? More lanes, less traffic.” Not necessarily. Adam Mann […]

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September 2016
