Enjoying Holidays with Diabetes

The holiday season is a wonderful time to spend with friends and family. The focus on food can make living with diabetes stressful. You can enjoy your holiday favorite foods by focusing on balanced meals and checking blood sugars regularly. Let’s talk about six healthy tips for individuals living with diabetes! Have Veggie Fun! Vegetables…

The Mediterranean Diet

What is a Mediterranean diet? It is a way of life rather than a style of eating. This type of lifestyle gained popularity because certain Mediterranean populations live longer when compared to other populations around the world. They also live healthier lives. The Mediterranean lifestyle is inspired by the seven Mediterranean region countries: France, Portugal,…

Cholesterol: What, Where, How?

What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a white, insoluble (meaning that it cannot be dissolved or broken down in a liquid) and waxy substance. It is carried around by lipoproteins in the blood, which include Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoproteins.   The LDL’s carry most of the cholesterol that is delivered to cells. It is called…

Planning a Carbohydrate “Friendly” Plate at your next Outdoor Gathering

Picture of kabobs made with bright colored vegtables

As COVID-19 restrictions loosen and Americans continue to get vaccinated, you may safely enjoy one of life’s simple pleasures again – an outdoor gathering with family and friends! Many of life’s celebrations involve food, and it is possible to partake while also managing your diabetes. Here are a few helpful tips to keep in mind:…

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