Eating in color – Purple Produce

Picture of assorted bue and purple fruits and vegtables

We find blue, indigo, and purple at the end of the rainbow, and we find those at the end of our “eating in color” series too! The deep blue and purple colors in fruits and vegetables are due to the presence of anthocyanidins. These are powerful antioxidants which support the immune system. They may also have anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Fruits such as blueberries, blackberries, and plums are at their peak during the summer. They are delicious on their own or alongside each other. They contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals to keep you healthy while you enjoy a sweet treat.

Look for the deep purples of eggplants, radicchio, and even purple cauliflower at local farm stands. They make an affordable and accessible meal. Let your children help you come up with colorful snacks, salads, and side dishes as fun ways to try new veggies. See how many colors you can add to one meal, and enjoy knowing that you’re getting more health benefits with each different hue!

Here are a few ideas for your “eating in color” menu:

Blue Corn Pan Bread – to try a new twist on an old favorite

Ratatouille – to make the most of summer produce with many colorful flavors

All Blogs are written by Professionals in the fields of Nutrition, Human Development and Diabetes.

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