The Merge of Good and Bad

I enjoy watching movies that don’t take themselves too seriously, and I never say no to a good action movie. Described as a “musical crime comedy film,” the Blues Brothers seemingly hit everything I look for in a film. However, it fell extremely short of my hopeful expectations. I thought the movie was ludicrous throughout, completely random, and didn’t develop any redeeming characters. Though the overall plot made sense and was followed, the utter lack of normalcy in any of the scenes made me cringe. At many points, for example, during the scene at the restaurant of the band member, I found myself asking “why?” mentally. The whole movie seemed overdone and unnecessary. It reminded me of children’s movies, where the characters are often overly exaggerated.

The brothers were on a selfless, admirable quest, yet, to reach their goal they conducted themselves in thoughtless, criminal ways. The religious undertones of the film were apparent and well-done. The protagonists’ goal was portrayed as a mission from God. However, the protagonists were very flawed as past thieves. This juxtaposition between the goodness of their intention and the sinful nature of their behavior portrays the idea that we are all sinners but we can work towards redemption.

Despite my personal negative opinion of the movie, it seems to have a large cult of fans. I enjoyed the music in the film very much and thought it the only redeeming aspect of the movie. Though the Blue Brothers was not for me, I’m glad to have crossed it off my list.


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