The Problem of Antiquated Laws

The film “Loving” tells the real life story of how interracial marriage was against the law in Virginia, and many other states, due to legislation which had not been updated since the era of slavery. The law was clearly worded in such a way that there was no separation of church and state. In addition, the law cited strange beliefs about how the continents where separate so therefore the inhabitants of different continents shouldn’t be allowed to marry. Luckily the Supreme court overturned this law, but it is important that we as a society be vigilant for other laws which contain old-fashioned prejudices. Although times change, laws which were written by those in power stay the same. We are thus left with archaic rules which do not represent society’s morals or beliefs. It takes brave individuals, such as the Loving family, to expose these unfair and prejudiced laws. The film showed that it can be difficult when so many people are against you. The Lovings had to contend with racist police officers and judges, betrayal by neighbors, and even lawyers from the ACLU who had the best intentions but were not experienced in Constitutional law. The family overcame all the odds, and their case repealed an old law which was racist, providing future generations a better world to live in.

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