A Tragic Life

In the film Citizen Kane, Kane’s entire life was based on wanting to be accepted. Kane always seemed like he wanted to help people but helping people was just the means to get to his goal and was never his true goal. Overall, to me, Kane was a controlling and selfish man hiding behind a facade of success and benevolence. Who is Kane? I do not even think Kane knew who he was or what he really wanted. He seemed like a lost soul and I think that no amount of money is worth being in this state. Kane being rich therefore worked against him and he never got to explore who he truly was. Moreover, at many times in the film, I was angry at Kane, especially at the way he treated Susan. He treated Susan like a child, as if he knew what was best for her and what was not.

The ending in which Kane’s sled was burned was a reminder that he is a hurt individual and has always been due to his childhood. As much as I want to blame Kane for his actions, I also feel a lot of pity for him. This does not make his actions forgivable, but I think keeping in mind the childhood that he had is important in understanding the decisions Kane made in his life. This film taught me that there are so many things to take into account when assessing a person. Still, I think that because Kane is such a complicated character, at the end of the film, you’re not really sure if you know him better now. That’s what makes the film so special.

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