Old is Not Always Gold

Last week I went to a Rose Cafe where we talked about modern primitivism. It was interesting because we also talked about how some people try to avoid modern advances, and go back to how things used to be. For example, the paleo diet is very popular because people believe that that’s how we used to eat long ago, and therefore that must be healthy. I am not super familiar with the paleo diet, so I can’t comment on its health benefits, but we should avoid thinking that things should be healthy/good for you just because we used to do them long ago. For example, people used to carry sweet-smelling salts around because they thought that it would prevent them from getting the plague. We now obviously know that that is not true. On another note, some people also avoid using technology. While it is not good to always be on your phone/computer 24/7, I think that using technology is really good in moderation. You can use to keep in touch with your family/friends, learn new things, and find out what’s happening in the world. Technology helps make the world smaller. For example, you could be in Ithaca practicing your spanish online with someone from a Spanish speaking country. The world is getting more and more interconnected every day, so it’s really important to keep up with all of the new changes.

3 thoughts on “Old is Not Always Gold

  1. I really appreciate your point about the mixture between the modern primitive and now, in terms of using technology but not being as attached

  2. I agree completely that we should not think that something is good for you just because we used to do it a long time ago. We live in a different society than our ancestors did, and our problems our completely different. Not only will reverting to doing things the way they used to be done not help solve our current problems, but we seem to forget that our ancestors had problems as well, that modern innovations have solved.

  3. I completely agree with you. Sometimes, I find myself avoiding technology and having people question me because societal norms dictate that what was previously done shouldn’t be continued in the future. It’s important for there to be more knowledge about the dangers that continual technology use will lead to.