A Deadly Chase

Action, adventure, and awkward kisses. North to Northwest is about a man that is mistaken for an assassin and must go on the run to clear his name. It ends with an action filled deadly chase on the the faces of America’s previous leaders, at Mount Rushmore. The movie makes you wonder what you would do if you were mistaken for a world class assassin and had to go on the run. Sometimes I like to think about what would happen if I had to go on the run. There is a clear difference between what would happen today and what occurred in the movie. Now a days, there are cameras everywhere. Everyone has a cell phone, and whether we are aware of it or not, every move we make is cataloged. Privacy has gone away, making going on the run harder than ever. I hope that I am never mistaken for an assassin because I doubt I could hide out with a pair of sunglasses to keep my identity a secret.

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