Enjoying the Arts Quad while Sketching

Last Saturday, I had the pleasure of going to the arts quad to draw some of the buildings and learn more about sketching techniques. When we first got to the arts quad, we were given a brief overview on how to use perspective. Two and one point vanishing point techniques were shown before we picked what we wanted to draw and began. As someone who took a lot of art classes in high school and occasionally paints now in college, I liked having the refresher and tips before I began sketching buildings. For my drawing, I chose to draw the edifice of Goldwin Smith. At the end, it was really interesting to see how different people captured similar parts of the campus in their own style.

The event was a really nice chance to enjoy the fall beauty and to take a few hours to relax during a busy period of the school year. I personally find drawing to be a good way to come to a place of peace because it requires such a focus on technique and the subject. Having the opportunity to enjoy a warm, sunny morning outside getting lost in art was a very enjoyable experience

One thought on “Enjoying the Arts Quad while Sketching

  1. The Cornell campus is so beautiful! There are a lot of amazing places to take pictures or draw. I really wish that I had gone to this event. I also took art classes in high school and still (although rarely) draw at times in college. Drawing is very relaxing and a great way to destress and unwind from the week.