Stress Table Talk

I went to the table talk with GRF Seema. This table talk was interesting in the fact that Seema only voiced facts about stress and let us discuss our own opinions based on those facts. We learnt that there is an optimal point for stress and after that point your quality of work starts to rapidly declined. This was interesting to me given that I find that I am my best productive self when I am stressed beyond belief. This left me wondering if the optimal point is different for different for different people. We also discussed how to deal with stress and what helps many people. According to Seema reaching out to people helps us with stress and is also a bi product of stress. This is because when we need help with something we reach out to more people to get help on a problem set for example. In addition, we talked about unhealthy ways to deal with stress and all shared our stress stories. I enjoyed this table talk because it was genuinely helpful and casual enough that everyone was comfortable to talk.


One thought on “Stress Table Talk

  1. It sounds like it was a very interesting conversation. I find that I am productive when I am a little stress because it pushes me to prioritize what is important and makes me make a list of all the things that I need to get done.