Last Thursday evening I attended the Rose Seminar about building a professional online profile. I thought this would be an important seminar to attend, as I do spend a lot of time on social media and I might as well look professional as I do it. GRF Sam did a great job of discussing how students should try to be consistent, unique, and professional across different social media platforms. Sam also reminded us about how much we control on each social media page and told us how easy it was to privatize what is publicly viewable on my Facebook page. Sam also did a great job of mentioning that if we do not interact with others on social media and keep up to date, we will not get anything in return. This challenged me to update my LinkedIn and make more connections.
At the end, we each wrote short bios and received feedback from other students. While I don’t use Twitter, I feel as if it would be a great way to share thoughts and interact quickly with others. As I wrote my bio for a potential Twitter, I had to keep in mind that I only had very few characters to get my information out to the public. For my LinkedIn profile biography, I was able to take suggestions from my peers about how I could make the biography more unique so that I am not just any student studying at Cornell University. This was a great seminar and I hope to attend more going forward.
This seminar seems to have been very helpful and I truly wish I could have attended after reading the overview of what was done. I have been updating my linkedin profile recently and it’s been very difficult since I’m not sure what’s right or wrong to add. Hopefully I can reach out to SAs or GRFs about help now that I know!