Pather Panchali: A Pleasant Surprise

When we first started watching the film, I wasn’t sure if I would like it. The plot did not seem very exciting, especially in the beginning, so I did not understand the script’s purpose. However, as I continued watching, I noticed aspects of the film that I really enjoyed. For instance, I could definitely relate to moments in the film such as Apu getting punished for not paying attention during the lesson and the genuine sibling relationship between Durga and Apu. I do not usually watch foreign films so it was interesting looking into what another culture was like at a earlier time. While the conditions of living and the lifestyle were very different from what I am personally used to and how I grew up, there were, again, many moments where I really connected to the film. For instance, the bonding between the village children (like the picnic scene) reminded me of my neighbors. After coming home from elementary school, I would often play with the other children on my neighborhood street. Looking back, there are so many positive memories that I made during this time. Durga and Apu likely feel the same way about the friends they made in their village. Thus, this film showed me that there are so many ways in which Durga and Apu and I are alike, despite the clear differences.

The film felt like I was actually watching someone’s everyday life, which is a somewhat unique idea for a movie given that movies I watch usually try to fit in as much action scenes or plot twists as they can within one or two hours. While this film is very different from all the other ones I have seen, I can definitely see its appeal though its realistic portrayal of life.


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