Looking Good to Be the Best

Looking your best according to your role in life was one of the many points Nicholas Carbonaro stressed during his talk about style and life. For instance, a business professional would need a fancy haircut due to his job, but a student wouldn’t need, and probably couldn’t afford, an expensive haircut, as Mr. Carbonaro discussed. However, out of the many points he raised about style, I particularly was attracted to the point that our daily activities can impact our appearance.


It is no secret that to be healthy, you have to live a healthy lifestyle. But Mr. Carbonaro stated during his talk that many people, particularly college students, are not acting healthfully, and this adversely impacts our appearance. For example, not drinking enough water can decrease one’s complexion, and not managing stress, in combination with a lack of healthy diet, can result in actual hair falling out, as Mr. Carbonaro described. Additionally, Mr. Carbonaro’s example of the football players having psoriasis but not initially going to a professional to treat the problem is another instance of how important it is to properly take care of ourselves in order to increase our wellbeing and appearance.


Even though it is important to look good for both health reasons and for our roles as students seeking to go out into the professional world, Mr. Carbonaro stressed that it is important to take care of our appearance in a way that is both affordable and sustainable. He stated that us students wouldn’t need or have the time and money for a professional soccer player’s haircut, as it is expensive and needs constant attention. This was another idea I connected with, since I cannot afford to maintain an expensive hair style, so it was reassuring to hear a hair professional discuss how to look good within our means. Overall, after this talk, I will pay even more attention to the small details in my daily activities, like drinking enough water and eating healthy foods, knowing the impact it can have on my appearance. Also, I will take more steps to look my best within my means so that I am ready after I graduate to look good advancing into the professional world.

2 thoughts on “Looking Good to Be the Best

  1. It sounds like the talk was very interesting and it is definitely important to always try to look your best, even if it is constrained by your budget. I knew that living a healthy lifestyle also reflected in one’s appearance, but I didn’t realize that even top flight athletes, who are the most fit people, cut corners when taking care of their bodies. Even just from hearing what you have to say, I’m definitely going to make a more conscious effort to do the small things like drinking more water and trying to reduce stress, as that can make a big difference.

  2. I agree, I think that when we see a very nice hair style, normally comes into mind is, oh that person has really nice hair, but forget that how much of money and time commitment comes with it.