This week’s Rose Café featured Rose’s very own Chef Hans. It was really cool being able to talk to Chef Hans and get a different outlook on how cooking/the kitchen works in Rose. I could tell he was incredibly passionate about what he did, and I admired how he steered kitchens away from frozen food/packaged food and implemented more responsibility and fresh foods in the kitchen. Another thing that I never considered as much as I should was, why all the dining halls except for one close at 8 or why there are very few dining halls open for every meal. I used to think it was rather annoying or inconvenient for me, when I didn’t consider the workers from the dining halls and think about it from their point of view. I learned that they often don’t leave before 10 p.m. when the dining hall closes at 8. It is remarkable how much work they put in every day for us, not only with foods but with clean up and preparation as well. This Rose Cafe really made me appreciate the dining halls we are blessed with here at Cornell.
The 10 p.m. thing is news to me too. That’s impressive dedication, considering what they would be missing at home every day.
Adding to the point on how fortunate we are here, I’d like to say that some of my friends and other schools have told me their dining halls are totally closed for some meals. For example, none of the dining halls at Purdue serve dinner on Sundays. And some of the pictures people have shown me from other schools are clearly just microwaved frozen meals. It’s great that staff here are willing to put in so much more effort so we, in turn, can perform to the best of our abilities.