The Flavors of Fall

I absolutely loved apple fest last week! I was impressed by the variety of apple-related products. I’m glad that some of the lines were so long, because otherwise I would have been very tempted to try everything. As it was, I went for hot apple cider, apple pie, and an apple dumpling. Each was delicious, and the cider was perfect for warming up after walking around in the light chill.

It was very interesting to learn about the details behind apple-farming. I didn’t know that producing varieties of apples was complicated or competitive. It was also neat to learn about the apples that Cornell has recently developed- SnapDragon and RubyFrost. When my sister and I were younger, to prevent the fruit from turning brown in our lunchboxes, my mom would cut an apple and an orange together, then put them in the same Ziploc bag. But, RubyFrost doesn’t turn brown after being cut, and it has a bright, attractive color in order to appeal to kids. I was also surprised to learn that apparently, kids generally prefer to eat smaller apples. When my sister and I were younger, we thought that the giant apples were the best thing ever.

After hearing so much about apples, I’m curious to see the Cornell Orchards.

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