Two Sides of the King

It was actually my second time seeing this movie but almost cried a little bit in the end.

We all know pretty well about the King’s daughter Elizabeth II who has been Queen since 1950s. However, we don’t know much about his father. Probably what all I learn is that he acceded to the throne on the abdication of his brother Edward VIII. Only from this description, people may tend to think the King was really lucky to have the throne. However, after seeing this movie, we understand the difficulty he faced and significant pressure he had during the early period. He seemed to have the greatest power but he was still restricted by some unseen power which ashamed him whenever he did not behave well.

To some extent, I really think it’s a great story for director to film on since now we know this person not only by biographies on the website but also his personalities. Also, this film kind of healed me in the Friday evening after all the exams and homework in the prelim week. We all have our duties and problems to struggle with and nobody is free from other people’s opinions.

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