The Renovations That Went Down the Toilet

The first rose event of the year was incredibly engaging and interesting! Professor Blalock was very willing to hear all of our concerns about the Gothics – even though he probably wasn’t expecting to hear this much about bathrooms. I feel as though this semester will be quite interesting – for we seem to be a very vocal group and Professor Blalock openly listens to whatever we have to say and then gives us a very fair response. It was really interesting to learn about the previous plans Cornell had made to renovate the Gothics before the stock market crash. But as a resident of Founders, it made me a little sad thinking about how my building could’ve potentially been way better. I think a future set up to speak to maintenance will be quite comical, for I’m sure they will be just as thrown off guard when a bunch of college students are complaining about bathrooms. I was glad to hear other students feeling the same way as I did as well; I did not feel as though I was alone. I can’t wait to see how the rest of the year plays out.

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