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Google’s SEO V.S Baidu’s SEO


Baidu is the largest searching engine in mainland China since Google is force out of competition several years ago. Because of the big difference in dynamics of the consumer market.Because of this, there’s clearly a difference in search engine “personality,” summed up neatly here:Baidu asks: “What can I help you to do?” whereas Google asks: “What can I do for you?”

Google uses PageRank to optimizes its search engine which created by Larry Page and Sergey Brin to revolutionize the web and the ability to drive e-commerce.In particular, the Principle of Repeated Improvement that we learned in class is applied here by having nodes repeatedly pass endorsements across their out-going links, with the weight of a node’s endorsement based on the current estimate of its PageRank. This in short, means that if  page A has more in-links than page B,page A has a higher page rank. Also, if page A’s in-links are more authorative than the in-links of page B, page A has a higher page rank. Intuitively, we can think of PageRank as a kind of“fluid” that circulates through the network, passing from node to node across edges, and pooling at the nodes that are the most important. When we search keywords using google, even though we see adds and sponsors at the top of page, it still uses PageRank to rank the links in a way that help the users look for the information they want.

Unlike Google, Baidu has no such things as searching engine optimizations. They don’t have a complete system to evaluate the pages even though they claim that they do have a set of mechanism to rate a website by hundreds of tactics. From a user perspective, the usability of Baidu is greatly lowered by many slots for adds that take over the most part of the first page.  And the so-called set of mechanism is only useful when it calculates how much it should charge the advertiser.


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