Google Search Results Will Soon Be Different For Desktops And Mobiles: Report
This is the latest piece of news about Google and its search results. As people become more and more dependent on mobile phones, Google will soon adapt its search results to meet different requirements for mobile users and PC users. It is reasonable for Google to do so since their PC market has been declining while mobile market has been growing constantly. Although it is reported that the development will happen in a few months, Google has been experimenting with it on Twitter since last year. Besides, Google also claims that it is going to penalize websites that have pop-up ads on smartphones because clearly it reduces user experience greatly.
This piece of news ties closely to Networks and Searches part of the courses, which is what we are studying right now. There is no doubt that search results need to be geared towards different user groups. For example, users that are searching on a PC might need more detailed and comprehensive results whereas a mobile user might simply need a quick answer or solution to a problem. Mobile search users might also pay more attention to location and feasibility of a solution. Moreover, mobile users might be more picky and selective about web pages, because some of them are more readable more others. Google does a good job at adjusting the differences by penalizing websites that have pop-up ads, which make the pages less readable on mobile ends. The separation of desktop and mobile searches is also going to bring different prices for advertisements. Due to the size of the display on mobile phone, it is less likely for users to scroll down to the bottom of the page than desktop users. Consequently, it would be reasonable for Google to charge less for advertisement on mobile devices.