Cinemad’s Correlation to Information Networks
Our most recent in class lectures have largely been focused on the concept of information networks. In these networks, the basic units connected are fragments of information, and links join these parts of information that are similar, and in someway related to one another. The topic most related to this network is the World Wide Web. The Web is a complex system, which similarly parallels the concept of nodes, where they contain information, the web pages, and consist of links encoding relationships between the sets of information. These links have played a number of roles as time has evolved. Primarily, they served as a transportation device to delve the customer into a new page, now links function to “activate computational transactions.”
This summer I worked as a market research and data analyst at Cinemad, a technology start-up company whom creates interactive videos to generate a stronger click-in rate. For example, we worked closely with Pepsi and through a series of coding were able to create commercials where we could hyperlink the Pepsi can with the statement “buy now” to directly link them to a new page where they could complete the transaction.
Further, as programmers, we were aware of the advanced technology available to our company and utilized our SEO capabilities to maximize our companies’ click-in rates. Through the use of hypertext we were able to create a set of pages that all link to the Cinemad website, thus this set of pages on the web created a directed graph, where the nodes are the original pages themselves (the hyperlinks), and the directed edges are the links that bring you from the original page to the home site of Cinemad. This class has forced me to view the World Wide Web in a new perspective, one where I now focus on the substantial transition from then, when the web was barely developed, to now, where with the click of a button I can purchase any item I desire. I am curious to think where the web, as a directed graph, will take us into the future and how it will continue to affect customers using the Internet.