Grad students win presentation competitions

maria gannett
Maria Gannett

Maria Gannett, Horticulture graduate student in Jenny Kao-Kniffin’s lab, won the student oral presentation competition from the Northeastern Weed Science Society (NEWSS), at the (virtual) Northeastern Plant, Pest, and Soils Conference (NEPPSC), January 4-7, 2021. The title of Maria’s talk: Soil carbon amendments as a microbially mediated weed management tool.

Uriel Menalled, Soil and Crop Sciences graduate student in Matt Ryan’s Lab, received an honorable mention award for his student oral presentation: Organic No-Till Soybean Seeding Rate and Nitrogen Fertilization Effects on Weed Suppression.

brandon miller
Brandon Miller

Brandon Miller, Horticulture graduate student in Nina Bassuk’s program, received first place in the student oral presentation competition from the American Society for Horticultural Science-Northern Region (NR-ASHS), also part of the NEPPSC. The title of his talk: Drought Tolerance of Species and Interspecific Hybrids of Carya Adapted to Northern Climates. Brandon also accepted the position of President-elect for N-ASHS for 2022.

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