Teaching Your Children to be Kind and Caring

As a parent, you are the first and most important teacher your child will ever have! In addition to teaching a young child the alphabet and colors, you also teach values and appropriate behavior. To grow up to be a well-adjusted adult who contributes to society, a child needs to develop a sense of kindness and consideration. Parents can consciously promote these character traits in their children by both example and opportunity.

You are a role model. Children watch their parents very closely, taking in how they speak to each other, other children in the home, and to people in the community. The way you greet others is so important. Teach your child to look at a person, extend a hand, say “hello” and smile. Lead by example. Practice these “people” skills as you do everyday tasks in the community with your child. When you act appropriately with others and show respect and kindness, your child learns by example. By participating in community volunteer activities as your children grow, they will learn how good it feels to help others.

As your children mature, your parental guidance will help them to create a kinder and more caring world.

All Blogs are written by Professionals in the fields of Nutrition, Human Development and Diabetes.

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