As a potato packer for Wegman’s Food Markets in the North East our family farm, Williams Farms, requires a constant supply of produce all year long. As a result potatoes are purchased from all over the US and Canada in order to be packed and redistributed to buyers in the North East. One of our sources for fresh potatoes during our off-season is Barrett Produce a packing shed also located in Muleshoe, Texas. So this weekend I decided to take a short break from dairy cattle and circles of corn to learn about potato production in the Panhandle of Texas.!
Most of the potatoes grown in the panhandle are either Reds or Russets and are grown on a sandy loam soil, as drainage and compaction are two important aspects of growing potatoes. A full circle of potatoes requires wells that can supply approximately 800 gallons of water a minute throughout an average growing year. The potatoes are harvested with a 4-row harvester, loaded on bulk truck and shipped up to 60 miles to be packed and distributed. The Barrett’s have limited storage capacity and as a result within two days after being dug, the potatoes have left the farms possession.
Additionally I was able to attend a variety field day hosted by the Barrett’s and the research team at Texas A&M. New varieties of mainly red and russet potatoes were displayed to growers all around Texas and other locations throughout the US and Canada. It was a great opportunity to ask additional questions about potato production in the Southwest and build my professional network!