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Today we went out to the field with the Conservation Biologist to examine some perspective wildlife habitat sites as part of the Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program (WHIP) administered by the USDA-(NRCS) Natural Resource Conservation Service.  The goals of the program are to promote the restoration of declining native fish and wildlife habitats and protect at-risk species.  Private agricultural land may meet the requirements set by the NRCS and be eligible for cost-share funds to offset the owner’s cost of developing or improving their land to support fish and wildlife populations. 

Potential Grassland Site

Potential Grassland Site

We went out to inspect the grassland sites to determine if they were suitable for meeting the primary goals of the program.  We examined the existing native grasses that were present at the site and made recommendations to the land owner as to how he or she might develop or improve the quality and quantity of the cool and warm weather native grasses. 

Evaluating the Site

Evaluating the Site

It was also a great time to avail myself of the vast knowledge of the biologist and get a quick class in plant identification.  We identified a number of invasive species of plants that could easily dominate these sites if not properly managed and we offered management recommendations to the land owner for controlling these problems.

Outdoor Classroom

Outdoor Classroom

  It was another good day in the field as I continue to expand my knowledge of the world of water and soil conservation.

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