A Taste of Ithaca

For my last rose scholar event, I went to the farmer’s market, as it was one of the first things I did when coming to campus last semester. The farmer’s market showcases the eclectic nature of Ithaca and gives small business owners a platform to sell their goods. I love going to the farmer’s market and seeing all the new products the vendors have to sell. Additionally, something about being on the water, with musicians playing in the background, and the rustic feel of the market place, makes the farmer’s market one of the most relaxing places I’ve been in Ithaca.

My favorite part of the farmer’s market has to be all the hot food that’s available. It’s incredibly hard to decide where to eat! I also love looking around the jewelry shops and seeing how the vendors make their product. The passion that the vendors have towards their work really is admirable. The honey vendor knows everything about bees and the honey process, and the soap makers will tell you the exact scent that’ll make you feel relaxed. In addition to the atmosphere, another one of my favorite parts about the farmer’s market is talking to the vendors. Whether its about Ithaca, their products, school, or life, they always have a unique input. The farmer’s market is a facet of Ithaca that really embodies a lot of character, and I plan to return many more times in the future!

4 thoughts on “A Taste of Ithaca

  1. I’ve never been to the Farmers Market here in Ithaca, and I had no idea that it had so much to offer. The Farmers Market must be incredibly large then if it has food, jewelry, soap makers, etc. It sounds like a really fun event and I will definitely be sure to visit the market sometime next semester!

  2. The Farmer’s Market is one of my favorite places in Ithaca, and I also love all the hot food. My favorite is the Cambodian food at Khmer Angkor – you should definitely try it if you haven’t yet!

  3. This post definitely made me wish I had spent more time at the Farmer’s Market this semester. Back at home, I sometimes work at a local Farmer’s Market. It is always cool to see how the things offered change regionally. I’m glad you had such a positive experience.

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