Who is Mr.Kaplan? Why is Roger abducted? Who are the people living in the UN official’s house? For a famous suspense movie from Hitchcock, this movie had a surprisingly not surprising ending. Honestly, it is not difficult to predict the double spy nature of Ms Eve, the cliche love story between Roger and Eve, and how the bad guys are always doomed.
Many details in the movie did not make sense. I couldn’t figure out how Roger and Eve could possibly survive in the last scene on the Rushmore, where Vandamm stepped on the only hand Roger had holding onto the cliff. I also was confused why Eve and Roger was talking so loud in Leonard’s house without them suspecting. And how on earth could they be so stupid chasing after the wrong Mr. Kaplan all the time. Like many other superhero movies, American police officers seemed to be useless. Not to mention a UN official can just be approached by a random, armed person and killed by a knife. Don’t people have to go to security that detects metal? The ending scene was abrupt and sudden, left many people’s mouth still open.
After watching this movie, I couldn’t remember anything that was meaningful to my life, any inspirations I could take away, or even lessons I learned. I wasn’t emotionally touched, or intellectually challenged. I hate to compare it with the popcorn movies like Transformers, but this is how I felt. Maybe I lack the life experience to appreciate the hidden implications, but I was disappointed.