Last Friday we gathered to watch a movie covering the case of an interracial couple who had to take their case all the way to the Supreme Court. What I found interesting about the movie was that it was not framed like a traditional movie at all, but instead offered snapshots of the couple’s life together and their struggles. In fact, the movie focused so much on their difficulties that I sometimes forgot that the couple was in love. At one point, the husband even seems to consider his friend’s advice that he simply divorce his wife. However, the couple makes it through in the end and triumphs with a court ruling in their favor.
This movie relates pretty well to two ongoing issues that we struggle with today: marriage equality and racial inequality. Some of the same arguments used against interracial marriage back then are still used today. It’s disheartening to see that some things haven’t changed at all. Similarly, the court case that legalized marriage equality nationwide is still faced with opposition. Although this movie was set in the 60s, a lot of the themes are still relevant.
The fact that themes from this movie are still relevant today makes me wonder where we will be 50 years down the line from now. Will people still be faced with prejudice based on their race and sexuality? Sadly, it wouldn’t surprise me if that will be the case. We love to watch futuristic sci-fi movies where social inequality is antiquated and unthinkable, but more and more the ideal utopia of social equality seems to be out of reach.
I haven’t seen the movie but I keep meaning to. It does seem to be a topic which is still highly relevant in our society, and I think it’s great that there is a mainstream movie that addresses the struggles that were faced by interracial couples- in this way highlighting the continuing prejudice against interracial couples today. It seems that this often gets lost in the discussion surrounding race in the modern social climate.