My suite mates had ushered me to come to the table talk about stress and at first I did not want to go but I am happy I did. Talking to others about stress is actually stress-relieving – it is nice to know you’re not the only one feeling a certain way about said events. There were multiple things I took away from the table talk. For one, it is great to be self-aware of the times you are most productive so you can utilize said times to be most efficient in working. Truthfully, I already did this without knowing. There are certain times in the day I feel most productive and I know I learned these habits from when I was in cyber school (in high school).
Second, I learned that most likely 60% of my stress is due to the fact that I look at what other people are doing and criticize myself for not doing that – which is ridiculous! I am an Entomology major – there are about 35 undergrad Entomology students, yet I find myself thinking about what business students or communication students are doing
Third, joining a club just to say you are in that club or to put it on a resume is not how clubs should be viewed. I am in the undergraduate entomology club and play an active role, I enjoy being in the club and I think this is what clubs are about. The amount of clubs you are in should not be a competition. Cornell students are so stressed because even “fun” things are seen as competitive (sometimes!).
Entomology is awesome. I’m not an entomology major myself (engineering physics major), but I’ve always been fascinated with insects. It’s a whole world of amazing creatures that lies below and all around us, yet is often overlooked. Even in the ant world alone, there are so many different species with vastly different attributes. I’m sure we still have a lot to learn from insects, so be proud to be an entomology major! I also appreciate what you said about choosing clubs. I strongly believe that if we enjoy the clubs we’re in, we get the most of them. That goes for life in general as well 🙂
I agree, it’s difficult to balance classes and clubs. I find myself interested in signing up for so many clubs, but at the same time, I know that I can barely manage as it is.