This week’s Rose Café with Erin M. Sember-Chase was incredibly interesting. We discussed the stigma of disabilities and the consistent battles that one must face while dealing with disabilities. I loved how everyone shared their personal experiences with close loved ones and disabilities- it shows how we can all truly understand and relate to each other despite the fact we may not have a disability ourselves. I shared how one of my best friends had extended time in high school due to her dyslexia and slight attention deficit and the stigma she often faced. Despite being in APs and honors classes, everyone always seemed to think it was strange she was allotted extra time – when I know for a fact that it was the quite opposite of strange. It was interesting how we discussed how extended time is assigned too, for I did not know much about it. It was also amazing to hear how she faced incredible difficulties even at college – especially the rude professor who refused to use a mic despite her difficulties. I commend Erin Sember-Chase in her strength to have dealt with such adversities with pompous, inconsiderate professors!