Is it rude to say that I was a bit disappointed in the talk? The content wasn’t bad though, and Dan Schwarz is smart and a great orator.
However, I signed up for a talk about how to succeed in school. Lord knows I need it- all the tips and tricks for a successful four years from a genuine Cornell Professor. Instead, we talked about fake news in the media. And I was positively bored. I found myself yawning a few times as we discussed Trump (inevitably) and sketchy newspapers. The best part of the talk was when I made myself mint tea. I did learn a few interesting fun facts, though. Like how most news sources get their news from the New York Times because they’re the only newspaper that has enough money to send out good investigative journalists. And for that reason (the good investigative journalism), The Times sweeps up Pulitzer Prizes every year.
Other than that, I can’t tell you much else. Journalism isn’t one of my favorite things to discuss. It wasn’t all a waste though. That was some tasty mint tea.