The film “The King’s Speech” tells the story of how a man with a stutter learns to manage his disability from his doctor and friend. I must admit that this film was more interesting then I expected it to be. Somehow the filmmakers made speech therapy into an exciting topic. As a shy person I understand the frustration and the fear of public speaking that the King felt in the film. Often, the emotional reaction when you realize that you are unable to do basic things everyone else can do is the most debilitating. You are left frustrated and angry at yourself and the whole world for putting you in this situation. In the film the King had the luxury of a loving family to give him support. That is why having good relationships with family and friends is vital to remaining confident. The movie also did a good job of highlighting this fact during a scene in which the future king is struggling to control his stutter while his father demanded that he speak correctly. His father wanted him to do well, however due to the pressure his stutter only increased. Being confident in yourself can go a long way to being healthy. I appreciated the positive approach that the speech therapist character took to show the King that he was capable of clear speech. Positive family and friends is the best anyone can hope for.