At this past Rose cafe, Ruth Magreta introduced us to life in Malawi and her research on agriculture. She combined the beautiful aspects of Malawi with the dismaying in order to give us insight to her home and the inspiration behind her work. She described the ease at which food could be obtained from the land around her home and described the beauty of its forests. However, Magreta also described her absolute grief when a good friend had died of hunger as result of serious drought in the country. But most of all, Magreta inspired us with her description of school. Magreta’s humble telling of her outdoor classrooms and one-room school without desks or chairs amazed me by her diligence to continue her education. She was the only person from her village at her university and is now working on her phD to improve agricultural practices in Malawi. I truly enjoyed Magreta’s presentation. She was incredibly informative and inspirational, a cafe that I will remember for a very long time.