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Facebook Click-Gap


One of the most popular and successful online social media platforms, Facebook, noticed a lot of its in-site advertisements were violating the program’s policies. So, they implemented a new algorithm to track website popularity. Facebook is using the data of the site to understand the system of sites that it is connected to and determine which ones had authority. Facebook studied their advertisements to see if the number of times people click on the advertisement through Facebook is greater than the number of times people click on the advertisement through other forms of social media. If the method through Facebook was higher than the other method, Facebook deemed these sites as unpopular, thus, decreasing their reach to Facebook users. Facebook began erasing content that it believed was low quality.


This relates to our study on PageRank. PageRank is used to determine the order in which search engine results are presented. Facebook is using a PageRank type of process because it is filtering results by the quality of the website. Like the media site did, a graph system can be set up to study the links between sites and quantify the “inbound and outbound linking patterns” with regards to other sites. For example, someone could look at how all of the sites interact and establish a label about their connection. If the website had a high PageRank score, it was labeled as popular, and if it was a low score, it was labeled as unpopular. Additionally, this process can be looked at in terms of hubs and authorities, with Facebook being the Hub and the online advertisements being the authorities. Since not a lot of hubs were pointing to the authorities for some of these advertisements off of Facebook, researchers could tell the site was unpopular.


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