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Facebook Political Ads: Who Can Candidates Sway?

In class, we talked about the methods that are used to deliver advertisements on the web. Whereas the conventional route of simply delivering banner ads to all of the visitors to a site, targeted ads that are optimized to get more clicks have been shown to have the best payoff for both advertisers and the […]

Matching Markets and Social Media

The Engagement Equilibrium: Social Media Strategy Meets Economic Theory The theory behind matching markets and market clearing prices can be applied to social media and how one can successfully garner a sizeable audience. Social media has been and is continuing to dominate much of our lives, whether it be as the audience or the creator. […]

Evolution of Social Networks Using Pod Social Media Platform

Pod is a new social network that wants you to meet in person In February 2019, Dr. Joe Webber founded Pod, a new social network designed to make it more feasible for its members to meet offline. This new social network claims to be the first platform that puts people on the map and let […]

Search Engine Optimization isn’t just a keyword in a blog

The concept of search engine optimization (SEO) to increase the quality and quantity of the links in a particular website is dependent on multiple factors. As Google and other search engines alter the method of assigning page ranks, SEO needs to include different approaches to increase the page rank. In the article, Joe mentions “until […]

CBS Survivor –The Ultimatum Game The CBS hit television series, Survivor, has been called one of the “greatest social experiments” ever conducted.  A group of around 20 people (depending on the season) are forced to work together to compete for a million dollars, while living on a tropical island with little food. As this article highlights, negotiation is one […]

Matching Markets in Baseball Free Agency

Baseball Matching Markets This article discusses the the market of Major League Baseball free agency and investigates the problem of allocating numerous indivisible player assets among 28 teams at the time of the study. The authors look into both the current system of free agency in place as well as a now-ruled illegal system instituted […]

Snapchat’s New Dynamic Ads: Search Engines, Hubs, and Authorities   I read this article recently about one of Snap’s (Snapchat’s company) recent developments, and it immediately reminded me of some of our class’s recent topics. The article is about how Snapchat has begun using Dynamic Ads, where advertisers can now create ads in real time automatically, based on extensive product catalogs that can […]

Google Search: Getting to the First Page (and trying to take advantage of the algorithm)

How to Show Up on the First Page of Google (Even if You’re a Nobody) In class, we talked briefly about how Google tries to hide information about its algorithm as it becomes more complex to avoid people trying to take advantage of the system. However, as is the case with any system, people will […]

Matching Markets are the Future of Kidney Transplant This article details an interview with Nobel Prize recipient Alvin Roth, the economist mastermind behind one of the first kidney exchange clearinghouses in the nation. Organ donation, and kidney donation in particular, is a constantly failing system; for example, there are 100,000 Americans in need of a kidney, but the transplant rate is only […]

Social Media: Changes in the Paths of Revolutions Our world is constantly on the move. It’s evolving at unimaginable speeds and a major proponent of this rapid transformation was initially social networking sites/apps like Facebook and Twitter. Social media taught us new, and instant, ways to communicate and collaborate through features like feeds, profiles and groups. Their algorithms, like the one discussed […]

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Blogging Calendar

October 2019
