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Uihlein Maple Research Forest
157 Bear Cub Lane
Lake Placid, NY 12946
Phone: 518-523-9337
The Uihlein Maple Research Forest is a core asset of the Cornell Sugar Maple Program. The forest is located in Lake Placid, NY in the heart of the Adirondack Mountains. It is administered by the Department of Natural Resources, which is part of the New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University. The Uihlein Maple Research Forest was established in 1965 with the aid of generous support from Mr. and Mrs. Henry Uihlein II of Lake Placid, New York.
The Uihlein’s 200+ acres of forest provides an outdoor laboratory for the study of maple syrup production, forest management, forest health, and agroforestry . Its sugar maple orchards are at the heart of a half-century northeast regional research initiative to identify and cultivate genetically improved, high sap sugar content maple trees. The forest uses state-of-the-art vacuum tubing and processing equipment to develop improved techniques for sap collection and syrup processing in both maple and birch trees. Results of the research projects are shared with maple producers and scientists through publications, trainings, and presentations throughout New York State. The forest also serves as an educational center for applied education and demonstration of modern syrup production, forest management, and agroforestry. Products from the Uihlein Forest’s 6,000 sugar maple taps and 600 birch taps directly support the long-term research and extension efforts of the Cornell Maple Program. Product purchase information can be found here: Uihlein Forest Syrup and Products
Should you be interested in making a tax-deductible donation, please go to and note that your gift is to support Cornell’s Uihlein Maple Research Forest.

Tours for the General Public
Tours of the Uihlein Maple Research Forest are available anytime of the year. We can accommodate numbers ranging from small families to larger bus tours or groups attending conventions in the Lake Placid area.
The best time to observe our maple syrup production and related research is from late February to late April. However, because syrup production is highly weather dependent, tours of the actual production operations are not available every day.
If you are interested in touring the Uihlein Maple Research Forest, please call ahead to determine staff availability and plans, 518-523-9337.