Don’t Let the Cold Slow You Down: Winter Exercise Motivation

Did you know that only about 50% of medical providers ask their patients about their activity level? This percentage is much lower than it should be. Exercise is very important in lowering the risk of chronic disease and improving overall health. However, individuals are less likely to exercise in the winter months. It can be…

National Healthy Aging Month

September is “National Healthy Aging Month” With the population growing older, more attention has been placed on healthy aging.  In fact, September is National Healthy Aging Month.  It is a nationally recognized time to focus on the positive aspects of growing older and to encourage people, particularly those 45 years old and older, to participate…

Recognizing and Managing Anxiety in Youth

Screens, social media, academic pressures, climate change, school violence, a pandemic…these are but a few of the many stressors facing teens today. As such, rates of anxiety in teens are on the rise.  According to the National Institutes of Health, almost 1 in 3  of all adolescents, ages 13 to 18, will experience an anxiety disorder.…

Metabolic Syndrome…Are You at Risk?

Did you recently receive bad news about your blood work? Do you have high blood pressure or struggle with obesity? You may be at risk for Metabolic Syndrome which is associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and stroke, leading to other health problems as well, such as plaque buildup in…

Inflammation, Diabetes, and You

It is well-known that being overweight, inactive, having poor dietary habits, and family history are risk factors for developing diabetes. What you may not know is there is another suspect emerging as a major contributor to that risk – Inflammation. Inflammation is part of the body’s immune response. It is how the body reacts to…

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