Parental Burnout

Parents give a lot to their children—time, support, energy, money, attention, etc., often neglecting their own needs in the process. While the intent of giving everything to one’s children is a positive one and sounds admirable, it often results in parents feeling depleted and burned out. According to a recent study, 66% of working parents…

Caring for Yourself during Suicide Prevention Week – September 10-16, 2023

While suicide is a leading cause of death for children and adults, spotting warning signs isn’t always easy. The hope of Suicide Prevention week is to bring much needed attention, especially in the era of post COVID-19, to the importance of recognizing verbal, behavioral and emotional warning signs of the risk of suicide. While nothing…

The Importance of Play for Children

Play benefits children in each domain of development like nothing else does.  It helps children learn about the world, develop the skills they need to interact with others, manage their emotions, and it promotes curiosity and learning.  Research on play tells us that play is essential for children’s well-being.  In fact, “play is so important…

Self care is not selfish, it is essential

In 1994, the National Extension Parent Education Model was published.  This model still guides our work in parent education today.  The National Extension Parent Education Model lists 6 areas of essential parenting practices that include: Care For Self, Understand, Guide, Nurture, Motivate and Advocate. Of these 6 areas, parents seem to struggle the most with…

Diabetes and Sleep

Getting enough sleep is crucial for good health. What you may not know is that not getting enough sleep can increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, and can lead to poorer control of your DM (Diabetes Management) if you are already living with it. Studies show that not getting enough sleep can also…


The Why’s and How’s of Practicing Gratitude with your Children The Oxford Language Dictionary defines gratitude as “the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness”. Recent research shows that the practice of gratitude has many positive outcomes. Some of the beneficial effects include reduced anxiety and depression, improved physical…

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