Diabetes and Exercise – Timing is Everything

Studies show that the timing of meals, and what is eaten before and after exercise, can play significant roles in diabetes management. Moderate to vigorous exercise, including resistance training, three to four times per week can play a role in glycemic control. People who exercise can live longer, maintain a healthy weight, and better manage their diabetes. Always check with your doctor to find an exercise program that is right for you. Exercise can be beneficial, but there is also a slight risk of a spike in blood sugar (hyperglycemia), and you can also be at risk for low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).

Checking your blood sugar before and after exercise, proper timing of meals, the types of food consumed, as well as medications you take, are all key. Eat balanced and nutritious meals, and consume low-carbohydrate meals early in the day. Have non-starchy vegetables and protein first, followed by a carbohydrate 30 minutes after you exercise. Do not forget the importance of dietary fiber and a healthy fat.

Making simple lifestyle changes benefit people who have diabetes. Remember to check your blood sugar before and after exercising. Combine a lean protein with fiber and a healthy fat choice. Don’t forget to monitor how you feel, and remember it is important to check for symptoms of hypo and hyperglycemia.

July 2021 Nadine Teich RN DTR


All Blogs are written by Professionals in the fields of Nutrition, Human Development and Diabetes.

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