As we begin this month, keep in mind National Grandparents’ Day. This year, we celebrate it on September 12th (the first Sunday after Labor Day). Grandparents play a special role in our lives. Studies show that the special connection grandparents and grandchildren share promotes grandparents living longer and makes grandchildren more emotionally resilient. Grandparents’ Day is an opportunity to treasure these connections and spend quality family time together. If your grandparents live far away, take the time to send them a personal note and tell them how much you appreciate all the joy and wisdom that they have brought to your life.
Let us not forget the incredible sacrifices many grandparents make to keep their grandchildren safe by providing loving homes for them. Cornell Cooperative Extension’s Community Education Program offers support groups, PASTA classes, and family engagement activities for grandparents raising their grandchildren.
For more information on Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, contact:
Dinah Torres Castro at, or visit the NYS Kinship Navigator website at:
All Blogs are written by Professionals in the fields of Nutrition, Human Development and Diabetes.