Social Work

Passion for activism and social work is something that I always thought was so important and I greatly admire the people that have dedicated their lives to helping others. I never thought that it was easy, for me I enjoy helping through volunteer work in nursing homes by being someone that can listen or assist in anything someone may need. Sometimes it can be extremely upsetting. I feel other people’s pain and it is difficult to let that go sometimes. I think many of the stories I hear tend to stick with me. I want to continue to help and serve others in my life because I think it keeps me grounded and it also feels good to know that I did something that will benefit someone else. I thought the advice Laura Simon’s had about making sure you truly love the work of serving others before making a career out of it because it is very tough work was honest and true.

Laura currently works at the activist center helping women, children, and men that have been sexually abused. The amount of individuals that are sexually assaulted on college campuses is hard to estimate because so many cases go unreported. The center is a place where a victim can get help dealing with what happened emotionally or can get help pressing charges if they decide to go that route. I think these services are truly great because speaking to a third party can be beneficial in the healing process.

Laura, also talked about following your passion. She said she wished she listened and embraced her desire to pursue a career of service earlier in her education rather than going the sensible route. I think it is difficult to find what it is we love to do because we think of work as something we need to do before we can do the things we enjoy doing. I really hope that I can find something that I love to do so that I am excited to go into work everyday.

One thought on “Social Work

  1. I feel like too many people these days choose their job based on its salary and not their passion! I would much rather have a job that leaves me feeling happy and fulfilled at the end of the day, even if it didn’t make me rich. Laura’s talk sounds really inspiring, I wish I could’ve gone.

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