sexual assault awareness

It’s hard to talk about sexual assault. Kate Harding made it a little bit easier.

Kate was refreshing and interesting, she brought her own experiences together to shed some light on sexual assault on college campuses. One interesting thing she said was a study, where plenty of universities were asked “is sexual assault prevalent across college campuses” to which most college administrators said yes. Then, when the administrators were asked if they thought sexual assault was prevalent across their own college, most said no.

Also, we talked about a “red zone” where there’s the acclimating time for new college freshmen. Generally, the most rapes and sexual assaults happen within that O-week period, so it was interesting to learn how some universities are trying to combat the problem.

One thought on “sexual assault awareness

  1. It’s definitely a hard subject to broach because of how sensitive it is. I agree that its interesting that so many universities see sexual assault as an issue among college campuses but they don’t see it as an issue at their own.

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