Straight Outta Words

Last Sunday, I went with a group of Rose Scholars to see Straight Out of Compton.  Issues from freedom of speech to social-immobility, police brutality and AID – so much was covered. What I found most disappointing is that at times, I’d forget it is a more or less historic film. It seems like the kind of movie you would watch and come out of grateful that you no longer live in midst of that, but that did not happen with this one. We continue to see all of that in the news today for the very same issues the movie brings to light. Even when a group of men try to provide for their loved ones and make something out of their lives and situations– even after they get a record deal and work hard to succeed in it– society seems them in the same exact way as to discredit what they have done. There is a scene in the movie when they are outside of the recording studio and the police expected them to be gang bangers… so yeah you can watch to see what happens… But it is things like that that prevent social mobility. One tries to climb a little higher in the ladder that we ourselves impose upon them and we push them back down. About that, I’m straight outta words.

One thought on “Straight Outta Words

  1. I really appreciate this post. Visited Baltimore over spring break for a mission trip and met a girl who was a victim of police brutality. It’s tough realizing that racism is still very alive and present in our society. I was super encouraged by the church in Baltimore that I was staying at, though. They are bringing together people from all races and walks of life in unity and love that only the hope of the Gospel can provide. 🙂

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