Interesting New Show

Like with the previous Friday Film, I entered knowing nothing about the showing content. While I had previously heard of the Queen’s Gambit, I had no idea what the show was about, so I was watching the episode with a bit of confusion at firstThen, as the episode progressed and Beth’s journey with chess began it made me really wish I had known the basics of the game in order to truly appreciate her skills. However, I still enjoyed other aspects of the show such as the exploration of themes and topics such as early addictionsexism, and coming of age all through a young girl’s perspective within a historical context.  

In terms of the technical aspects of the show, I really enjoyed the overall cinematography. When Beth initially arrived at the orphanage, I was set on the idea that the show was a horror one. Specifically, because of the controlling character of the orphanage’s director paired with the overall gray cast lighting, the show gave me an eerie vibe. Eventually, I realized I was wrong in my initial assumptions, but still, the settings, lighting, and overall technical composition shown in the first episode worked well with the themes touched upon. I admit I was frustrated that the episode ended with that cliffhanger, but it definitely has me drawn to watch the next episode! 

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