Human Impact on Climate Change

This Friday, I attended the movie showing of The Human Element, a film about environmental change occurring at a rapidly increasing rate.  Unlike most climate change awareness documentaries, however, this film took a more interesting and personal approach (in my opinion) that resulted in a more impactful message.  It highlighted both the current and future impacts that climate change is having and will have, respectively, on everyday, working humans.  For example, the film features a small fishing community that faces the harsh reality of a future sea level rise threatening their business and livelihood.  It also focuses on the victims — in addition to those fighting against — the blazing wildfires that have been wracking California for the last decades.  However, the film isn’t all negative; the final message of the movie is about how the human element, which has been throwing the other elements out of whack, could be the key to bringing all the other elements back into balance if it works to change its habits.

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One thought on “Human Impact on Climate Change

  1. This sounds like really impactful documentary. I gained a new perspective on climate change and how it relates to social justice during one of the other Rose scholars events this semester, and it is cool to find out that there have been multiple events with similar messages. Based on your description, I think this could be a really powerful film for helping everyone to truly understand the human costs of climate change. I would love to watch it!