
In podcast 10.28 (Fellow Interview: Rose Buzz with Julia Felippe and Andre Kessler 3/24/2021) I  strongly resonated with the idea that it is important for women to get involved in tech because during my internships I noticed that having people from different backgrounds contributes to a variety of perspectives helping us develop a better and more efficient solution to any problem for a wider audience. People from different cultures always makes the product better for everyone. Additionally, I strongly agree with Andre Kessler who recommended choosing what your are passionate about to study because you will always be good enough to make money and your passion will lead you through bad times always keeping you happy.  This is very good advice as many of my classes I have picked were out of interest and passion. In fact, these classes have actually become the fields I ended up getting internships in!

The other speaker,  Julia Felippe said you will question what you are doing but always remember you have plenty of time to do what you want so reflect and think about opportunities and talk to others about it. This is something I resonate with because a while back I decided to do some research experience with my major department. This is because solving problems that have never been solved before is a very motivating experience for me and after talking to my Professors about it they said it is not late to start on the track of research and even start getting prepared to apply for PhD next fall! Hence, it is never late to start!

The power of listening

In the DIY Old Time Radio session learning about how radio is so powerful that it can reach a huge audience much more quickly than other formats really stood out to me. In fact, reflecting on this, since I travel by car pretty often I hear the radio frequently. Usually it is music whilst in other cases it is podcasts, etc. Listening to radio I realized that I learn a lot by just hearing the lyrics or what the people at the other end of the radio have to say even if I am not actively paying attention. In fact like discussed during the session our ears can foster our imagination much better than our eyes which I strongly agree with because even in today’s virtual environment listening to lectures rather than reading a textbook helps me understand the course material much better!

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“Boys State” is both a comedy and horror movie to me. It shows that although the media mocks politics it really is not for the weak as it shows politicians have to fight an uphill battle to truly bring about change. It really well showed to me how leaders are meant to be chosen in society and how they should be held accountable. It taught me what a democracy really means and where it has slipped in the current world we live in teaching me the multi faceted nature of politics.

Planet Earth

Every entity in our ecosystem and this planet is very well connected. Whether we realize it or not our smallest action can cause lots of problems to many stakeholders in our ecosystem. The “Our Planet” taught me that we humans are just like other animals even though we don’t like to associate ourselves with them. This could be a reason for continuing climate change. After all our ancestors were all apes which is why I strongly believe it is our duty to respect mother nature.


Humans have had a lot of history of hurting other humans for their own benefits. We have seen that during the slavery period where Africans were enslaved against their will to help the Spaniards and the Europeans. This history still resides with us today even after the abolishment of slavery because police brutality targets coloured human beings. This documentary showed how much change is truly needed in education especially for the US criminal justice system so we can in the future live in a society free of discrimination!


In the third episode we see the importance of sacrifice for the betterment of society. The miners know that with their lack of clothing they will be exposed to radiation but they still to help install a liquid nitrogen heat exchanger underneath the concrete pad in order to prevent further radiation exposure to others even if it costs their own life. It taught me how important it is that even in bad times to take small actions for the good as it can be truly heroic!

Human ambition and courage

“First man” teaches us a lot about human resilience. Armstrong’s journey to the moon is nerve wrecking. When faced with errors in flight that could decide his fate we see that his patience and persistency keep him alive. It in a way relates to my passion to do well in my classes. At times in a few assignment I may not do well but due to the goal I have in mind I make sure that I do whatever is possible to get the result I desired a quality all humans share and possess.

Nuclear Physics

Something about Physics has always captivated me. Is it the complexity? Is it the problems it discusses? After seeing episode 2 and understanding the process and dangers of nuclear fission I learnt that it’s ability to explain the world around us and define the universe is what makes it so captivating. The scientists easily showed how much of animals would perish just due to that nuclear disaster through equations and numbers showing the beauty of physics and nuclear physics especially to me.


After watching the social dilemma I realised that nowadays bullying, propaganda and misinformation is much more common due to the influence of social media. Never did I once think that the message I put on facebook can impact the rest of my life. However, this film completely changed me as it shows we are truly unsafe in this widely connected world. All our secrets can easily be revealed in an instant which is why our digital footprint is so important to look after.

Shocking, harrowing, sickening

“Anthropogenic climate change
Nuclear fallout Chernobyl
Raptors flourish
And wolves

After seeing the first episode of Chernobyl it just reminded me how dreams can also be realities (in a bad way). For most of my life I thought the most far fetched events possible in this world just can’t happen in reality but this TV show opened my eyes to how a single being’s decision can lead to a catastrophe (similar to the spread of C-19).